
Breast Cancer has invaded my body, but it need not invade my spirit. There may be scars on my chest, but there need not be scars on my heart. . . . . . Judy Kneece

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another one Bites the Dust!!!

Well, had my second big treatment yesterday. Only four more to go. So happy they only come every three weeks. Takes a few days to hit and last about four days and they I start feeling better. The small weekly ones aren't nothing. Just aches and pains with a headache. Tylenol seems to help that for the most part and rest. Rest is my friend.

Well Wednesday night after church Heath Saved my head. I tried to give me a Mohawk, A on one side and OU on the other side. He wouldn't do any of those things. See if I do it for him next time he wants a Mohawk. Actually he shaves his own now so I don't get to try the fun stuff any more and Jesse had Heath save his also. Now he used to want to try some wild hair styles. That was all so fun. Kept Scoff on pins and needles though. He always thought we were gonna leave the crazy stuff.

Loosing my hair, well not as big shock as I thought. Except when I see myself in the mirror and have to take a double take to make sure it's me in there. My body temperature is cooler. I wore my wig the work the Thursday. Everyone loved it. Said it made me look 25 years younger. Well, now I think I just found my hair style when my hair grows out. I wore my bandanna yesterday for treatment day. It was more comfy than wig. I think I'll wear them more often. We went to eat out last night and thought would want me to wear my wig. But, he surprised me and didn't say anything. SCheck Spellingo, guess he's gonna let me wear what I want. He is a lot more vein than I am. Silly boy.

Doctor wants me to quit work until my big treatments are finished. He said I am absolutely not to have any STRESS at all in my life. My body needs all of it's energy to get well. Chemo and Jesus are doing their part in this Journey and I am gonna have to do my part. So, I'm gonna call Monday and check to see if I can get my short term disability rein acted and go from there. Doc said that I'm gonna feel worse with each big treatment and will need all the good days to recover and replenish my body. Silly me I was hoping that with each one I'd handle it easier and the worst was behind me. Shows you what I know. I've decided that he's had more school than I and I'm gonna listen to him and do as he says.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy we got to help shave your head! We should open up a barber shop here, seems like we do everyone, even mine (but with scissors!). Get lots of rest, indeed! If you get bored I've started a new (tedious) wedding project. But that is a LAST resort to cure boredom!

    Love you lots!
